Title: Chair of Planning Committee
Party: Labour Party
Political grouping: Labour Party
Ward: West Park
Other councillors representing this Ward:
St Helens Borough Council is not responsible for the content of any external link
St John's Community Centre, Crossley Road
1st Friday in each month 5.00 pm - 6.00 pm except bank holidays
St Luke's Church Hall, Knowsley Road
1st Friday in each month 6.00 pm - 7.00 pm except bank holidays
Cllr Derek Long can be contacted by telephone or e-mail to discuss any Ward issues
Home address:
20 The Meadows
L35 0PQ
Email: Cllrdlong@sthelens.gov.uk
Bus. email: cllrdlong@sthelens.gov.uk
Download Councillor Derek Long contact details as VCard