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Baines, Councillor David Baines
Banks, Councillor David Banks
Banks, Councillor Jeanette Banks
Bell, Councillor Jeanie Bell
Betts, Councillor Colin Betts
Bond, Councillor Martin Bond
Bowden, Councillor Andy Bowden
Burns, Councillor Anthony Burns
Campbell, Councillor Niall Campbell
Case, Councillor John Case
Charlton, Councillor Nova Charlton
Clarke, Councillor Lynn Clarke
Collier, Councillor Karl Collier
Dickinson, Councillor Tracy Dickinson
Floyd, Councillor Victor Floyd
Gomez-Aspron MBE, Councillor Seve Gomez-Aspron MBE
Greaves, Councillor Donna Greaves
Groucutt, Councillor Kate Groucutt
Hattersley, Councillor Robyn Hattersley
Haw, Councillor Michael Haw
Hawley, Councillor David Hawley
Hodkinson, Councillor John Hodkinson
Hooton, Councillor Paul Hooton
Johnson, Councillor Janet Johnson
Laird, Councillor Keith Laird
Long, Councillor Derek Long
Long, Councillor Trisha Long
Maguire, Councillor Terence Maguire
Makin, Councillor Allen Makin
Maloney, Councillor Linda Maloney MBE
McCauley, Councillor Richard McCauley
McCormack, Councillor Anne McCormack
McQuade, Councillor Paul McQuade
Murphy, Councillor Susan Murphy MBE
Mussell, Councillor Linda Mussell
O'Connor, Councillor Damien O'Connor
Osundeko, Councillor Bisi Osundeko
Pearl, Councillor Geoff Pearl
Peers, Councillor Peter Peers
Preston, Councillor Lisa Preston
Quinn, Councillor Marlene Quinn
Richards, Councillor Glen Richards
Sheldon, Councillor Janet Sheldon
Sims, Councillor Teresa Sims
Spencer, Councillor Brian Spencer
Stevenson, Councillor Kate Stevenson
Sweeney, Councillor Michelle Sweeney
Tasker, Councillor James Tasker
Uddin, Councillor Mancyia Uddin
Vacancy, Vacancy
van der Burg, Councillor David van der Burg
Registered gifts and hospitalities
There are no gifts or hospitalities for this period