Register of interests

Councillor Victor Floyd

This page displays the date when the Register of Interest was published not created. If you require information on when the Register of Interest was submitted please contact Democratic Services on 01744 676109

I, Councillor Victor Floyd a Member of St Helens Metropolitan Borough Council, and give notice that I have the following disclosable pecuniary interest under section 29-34 of the Localism Act 2011, and following other interests, registration of which is required by the Council's Code of Conduct

1. Employment, office, trade, profession or vocation carried out for profit or gain (See Note 1)
Self Partner
Retired Transport Manager N/A
2. Sponsorship received in respect of carrying out duties as a member of the authority, or towards my election expenses (see Note 2)
Self Partner
None N/A
3. Contracts between myself (or body in which I have a beneficial interest) and the St Helens Borough Council (or organisation contracted to carry out the business on its behalf) (see Note 3)
Self Partner
None N/A
4. Address of property or land in the St Helens Borough in which I have a beneficial interest (see Note 4)
Self Partner
Information provided to Monitoring Officer N/A
5. Any licence (alone or jointly with others) to occupy land in the St Helens Borough for a month or longer (See Note 5)
Self Partner
None N/A
6. Any tenancy where (a) the landlord is the St Helens Borough and (b) the tenant is a body in which the relevant person has a beneficial interest (see Note 6)
Self Partner
None N/A
7. Any beneficial interest in securities (stocks, shares, bonds...) of a body where (a) that body has a place of business or land in the St Helens Borough; and (b) either (i) the total nominal value of the securities exceeds £25,000 or one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that body; or (ii) of the share capital is more then one class, the total nominal value of any one class in which I have a relevant interest exceeds one hundredth of the total issued share capital of that class (see note 7)
Self Partner
None N/A

I am a Member of or hold a position of,general control or management in the following (NB Please indicate in each case whether you are a Member or in a position of control or managment)

8. Bodies to which I have been appointed
Bodies List
9. Any public authority or body which exercises functions of a public nature
Bodies List
10. Bodies directed to charitable purposes including companies, industrial and provident societies and charities
Bodies List
11. Bodies whose principal purposes include the influence of public opinion or policy (including any political party)
Bodies List
Reform UK
12. Trade Unions or professional associations
Trade Unions or professional associations