Venue: Room 10. View directions
Contact: Mrs KM Howard
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||
Apologies for Absence Additional documents: Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from:
Minutes from the Meeting held on 14 November 2024 Additional documents: Minutes: * Resolved that the minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2024 be approved and signed. |
Declarations of Interest Additional documents: Minutes: There were no Declarations of Interest made. |
Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) Update Additional documents: Minutes: The NHS Place Director and Executive Director People Services, Mark Palethorpe and the Director of Integration, Mersey and West Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (MWL), Wayne Longshaw jointly provided the Board with an update on NHS Cheshire and Merseyside developments at ‘National’, ‘System’ and ‘Place’ levels.
Winter Pressures and Declaration of Critical Incident
A presentation entitled ‘Place and System Partnership Update Winter Pressures’ was provided to the Board. This focused on winter pressures and the declaration and management of a Critical Incident at Whiston Hospital in January.
The presentation detailed the following: · Background – Urgent Care Delivery Programme · Initiatives and Scrutiny prior to Christmas - Joint NHSE · A Challenging Start to the New Year due to higher than expected demand · Critical Incident (CI) · Response · Recovery
The Board discussed the complexity and high levels of underlying poor public health, with the Director of Public Health raising that the importance of vaccination to reduce spread of infection and serious illness had been acknowledged, and that work continued to be undertaken to improve vaccination uptake.
It was queried what illnesses patients had presented with at the hospital during the CI. The Director of Integration advised that although analysis on this had begun, it was not yet completed. It was agreed that any trends, and trigger points would be reported once available. In addition, follow up analysis on local learning alongside the outcomes of national recovery programme responses would also be reported to the Board in due course.
It was raised by the Director of Adult Social Services and the community health care representatives, that although the hospital had stood down the critical incident and entered into a recovery period, critical pressures remained within community services and within both Social and Primary Care.
ICP Financial Position Update
NHS Place Director and Executive Director People Services provided the Board with an update on the ICP financial position and local impact.
It was reported that the Integrated Care Board (ICB) remained in a challenging financial position, with a forecast pressure of £150m. Locally, St Helens had an £11m pressure, which reflected the decision to continue investment in key health care areas.
The two largest financial challenges facing the ICB were linked to costs associated with prescribing and all age continuing health care. To address this, the ICB had undertaken efficiency measures including a freeze on recruitment.
The recent publication of the Devolution White Paper ‘Power and Partnership: Foundations for Growth’ was referred to, within which a key proposal was to grant Regional Mayor’s increased responsibility, including health integration in order to streamline decision making and improve co-ordination of local health services.
Assurance was
given that early discussions with the Chair of ICP and Liverpool
City Region Mayor around the proposals within the White Paper were
currently taking place. *
Resolved that: (1)
the collective hard work of all NHS staff in managing the
critical incident be acknowledged and commended by the
Board; (2)
the presentation and verbal update be noted; and (3) an update be brought ... view the full minutes text for item 38. |
Inequalities Commission Additional documents: Minutes: The Director of Public Health, Ruth du Plessis presented the Inequalities Commission Update to the Board which outlined the ongoing work both within St Helens and with neighbouring Cheshire and Merseyside local authorities being undertaken to reduce health inequalities.
The presentation ‘Inequalities Commission Update’ detailed the following:
· Inequalities Commission Update · Marmot Beason Indicators – St Helens 2024: A comparison to England · Marmot Place Stocktake · Workstreams Updates - Best Start in Life - Food Poverty - Fuel Poverty - Winter Well · Anti-stigma: the impact of our work · Award Submissions "From Silence to Strength: St Helens Council's Role in Combatting Stigma through Empowered Voices" · Next Steps
The Board noted the Anti Stigma work and commended the Inequalities Commission for its award submissions to LCG Awards and The MJ Achievement Award and proposed that the Anti-Stigma Charter and ‘Sticks and Stones’ film be wider shared with members of the Cheshire and Mersey Integrated Care Board.
In discussion of the Commissions workstreams, the Board note that supporting future employment opportunities was key to moving people from dependency to greater health and wellbeing outcomes. It was proposed that this alongside the importance of supporting growth in the borough should be brought as an item for the Board to consider.
Resolved that: (1)
the presentation be noted; (2)
the Boards thanks be relayed to Justin Hill for his work
undertaken during his time as the Chair of the Inequalities
Commission; and (3) an item on supporting future employment opportunities and growth in the borough be brought to a future meeting of the Board.
Partner Presentation - Flood Response Additional documents: Minutes: The Chief Executive Halton and St Helens Voluntary and Community Action, Sally Yeoman MBE provided the Board with a presentation entitled ‘Humanitarian Response to New Year Floods in Blackbrook – VCFSE Sector Role’
The presentation detailed the following
· Context · Initial Response · What’s Next
Board discussed the flood response, noting the significant impact
the flooding on New Years had had on local communities,
particularly West End Road in Blackbrook. During discussion the
Board Members expressed their thanks to those groups and
individuals who had helped as part of the initial response and
commended the efforts of all those who continued to support those
residents affected by the flooding across the
borough. It was highlighted that one of the key actions of the incident response was the establishment of a Flood Group and recovery coordination led by the Director of Communities involving partners and the voluntary sector which helped ensure a response was effective, timely and co-ordinated.
It was acknowledged by the Board that whilst immediate responses had been effective in part thanks to the number of volunteers and groups that had offered support and aid, further work was required to reflect on the response and communications and to assess long term resilience measures, including flood prevention strategies, early warning systems and mobilisation processes to ensure a fast and effective response to any future incidents.
* Resolved that:
a vote of thank from this Board be relayed to all those involved
in the response to the New Year floods for the work undertaken to
support those residents of the borough affected by the flooding;
and (2) the presentation be noted.
Public Health Annual Report Best Start in Life Additional documents:
Minutes: The Cabinet Member for Public Health, Councillor Murphy MBE, introduced the report on St Helens Public Health Annual Report 2023/24 as presented to the Board by the Director of Public Health, Ruth du Plessis.
One of the duties of the Director of Public Health was to produce the Public Health Annual Report, the focus of the 2023/24 report had been on giving children the best start in life.
The report provided an overview of the current situation for children in St. Helens and outlined ongoing efforts to ensure every child has the best possible start in life. It highlighted the key challenges affecting young people in the area, such as health disparities, poverty, and educational barriers, as well as the initiatives undertaken to address these issues.
In its conclusion, the report also made recommendations about what needed to be done and how to overcome barriers which made it harder for children to achieve their potential. These recommendations were detailed within the appended St Helens Public Health Annual Report 2023/24 and also summarised at paragraph 4.11 of the covering report presented to the Board.
To accompany the St Helens Public Health Annual Report 2023/24 the Board was provided with a presentation which provided an overview as follows:
Xxx * Resolved that the findings of the Public Health Annual report and the associated recommendations be noted and supported. |
Special Educational Needs Disabilities (SEND) JSNA Additional documents:
Minutes: The report was introduced by Jamaila Hussain,
Deputy Executive Director of People and NHS Place Director and
Director of Adults and Children Services. The Public Health Intelligence Evidence &
Performance Manager, Rachel Brown presented the Special Educational
Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Joint Strategic Needs Assessment
(JSNA). St Helens.
The purpose of the JSNA Process was to help to inform the joint commissioning decisions made for children and young people with SEND and built upon the wider St Helens Children and Young People JSNA.
To complement the report to the Board, a presentation was screened detailing the following: · Introduction · Demographic Overview · The SEND Landscape · Educational Outcomes and SEND · Health and SEND · Children Open to Childrens Social Care · Lived Experience · Conclusion
Recommendations The JSNA SEND Chapter had been developed by the SEND Partners and had been used to inform the development of the SEND Strategy (2024-2027), which had identified the following five priorities: • Managing transition for life • Developing a curriculum for success • Building a community of support • Meeting multiple and complex needs • Ensuring timely assessment and effective support
The Board commented positively on the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Joint Strategic Needs Assessment which would be valuable resource in identifying need and procuring local support and services for residents with SEND.
* Resolved that:
the data and findings outlined in the SEND Joint Strategic Needs
Assessment (JSNA) chapter be noted; and (2) the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) chapter be approved. |
Items for the next meeting of the Board Board Members are invited to propose items for consideration at the next meeting of the Board.
Additional documents: Minutes: Board Members were invited to propose items for consideration at the next meeting of the Board and encouraged to email the Chair or Director of Public Heath with any proposals. |
Date of Next Meeting · Thursday, 20 March 2025 at 2.30pm, Town Hall, Room 10 Additional documents: Minutes: Thursday, 20 March 2025 at 2.30pm, Town Hall, Room 10.
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